Sunday, May 15, 2011

Doing so Much Better!

So excited! I feel as if I am actually doing better getting my eating and exercise under control. I got the Biggest Loser game for Wii or "Loser Game" as Sawyer calls it. It is a lot of fun! That way if the kids are sick and I can't go to the Y and work out I can work out at home. It's not the same routine everyday like it would be if I just did a work out DVD. I think I am also going to get the Zumba game too just to have variety. Also the kids love to exercise with me which is just an added bonus.

Over the weekend I have been really careful about my eating and tomorrow I am going to start tracking my eating with Weight Watchers again. As Seth ate his oreos tonight while we watched TV, I drank a flavored water and ate some sugar free Jello to satisfy my need for food. Everytime I thought about those chips in the pantry I pictured myself in the pretty dress I want to wear when I I renew my vows next July (and yes I do already have it picked out!) The dress I want actually comes in my current size but of course I will look much better in any dress if I am down 5 sizes =)

Monday, May 9, 2011


I am so very frustrated. I really want to be able to start working out; but my children are ALWAYS sick. We have literally had about a 2 week span in the last 6 months (since Jax was born) where all 3 kids were well at one time. I know that I could do videos at home (which is probably what I am going to have to do) but I would much rather take zumba or go watch TV and run on the elliptical (sp?) at the Y. I have felt like my kids were well enough to go maybe 5 times in the past few months and I have went all of those 5 times. I am not an overprotective parent by any means but I do not want to take my sick children to the nursery at the Y and expose other children to their germs (you can thank me later!)

Anyways, I have a Thyroid problem and I can tell my levels are off because my hair is falling out like crazy and it is almost impossible for me to lose weight unless I work out. I am trying to do much better on the eating side (drinking water, following my weight watcher points, etc.) but I am not losing an ounce. I will admit to eating pizza and nachos once a week when I take the kids to the bouncy place at the mall but not enough to gain back any weight I have lost that week. Ok that is my vent for the day. Maybe by Thursday on my weigh in day I will have some good news!!