Friday, April 8, 2016

Starting the Journey.....AGAIN

Same story...same tune...different time. Once again I am starting over, I am not at my highest weight ever but I am MISERABLE. Since I stopped writing on this blog I have had a baby (which totally wrecked my body and I now look like I weigh more than I did while pregnant I was pregnant...even though I weigh at least 15 pounds less) , minor surgery, and found out that I need a pretty major surgery within the next year. I went back to work, my husband took a new job with a lot more hours and travel, and my 3 oldest are going to all be in elementary school and the baby will be going to daycare. LOTS of changes....oh and I am getting my real estate license. It's never boring around here folks.

With all these changes, there has come a lot of stress which translates into a lot of bad eating choices on my part. Since having the baby, I haven't been able to work out because the only time I can go is when the YMCA nursery is closed. So many excuses....

I have ordered the AdvoCare 24 day Challenge (it's actually sitting on my doorstep and I sort of glared at it as I drove past it into my garage). I am excited to start this journey again but what if I fail AGAIN. I already feel like I am giving up on my dream to be a teacher by getting my real estate license and I am not sure that I can take another failure. My body betrayed me and I can no longer have kids so I feel like a failure in that department too. What happens if I fail at something else? I know...more excuses!

I am DONE with excuses. I am going to dive right into my new healthy living, look at my career change as a new dream and blessing, look at my 4 beautiful children and realize they are enough and I do not have to have more kids to feel complete, embrace my messy house and baskets of laundry so that I can find time to squeeze work out in at home while the baby sleeps.


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