Friday, January 17, 2014

New Year....New Lori

I started this blog by saying I have a "dirty little secret", well I guess it is not a secret anymore but I am still facing the same struggles. I lost almost 40 pounds about a year and a half ago and then I began having health problems. Let me just list them for you because it is really quite humorous for a 33 year old to have all these problems.

  • When I exercise my foot started hurting....I learned I have Plantar Fascitis. This can be helped some with good running shoes and insoles but it still hurt a good bit no matter what I did.
  • I started having problems with my Thyroid (again)
  • I had an odd leg swelling....thought I just had a varicose vein that needed to be fixed....when I went in I found out most of my main veins in both legs were not working as they should. I had to have 4 separate leg surgeries that meant months of recovery.
  • Now that all my leg surgeries are complete and my legs are healing...I find out I have a blood clot in one of my veins that is very painful but I will have to wait for it to go away on its own (which can take awhile). 
  • For about 4 years I have had problems swallowing and I usually get choked on food weekly. At the first of December I got choked on a piece of steak and it got lodged in my esophagus. I had to have emergency surgery (while Seth was out of town) to have the food removed.
  • During the surgery they did a biopsy and found out I have EoE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis) which means I am allergic to something (they have no idea what). What I do know is that it causes my throat to swell and make it hard to swallow. I am in the process of being treated for this right now - 8 weeks of drinking Steroids!
  • Also during the surgery they found two places on my esophagus that looks like someone is pinching it. They did a CT Scan and there is nothing on the outside of my esophagus pushing in so now they have to figure out what those places are. I will go have another scope in February to see if the swelling has gone down and to have an ultrasound on those spots in my throat. I haven't even began to think about what those could problem at a time.
On top of all that my family has all had major health problems and our personal life has been in turmoil.
  • Seth has changed jobs twice in the last 18 months.
  • His latest job involves travel which leaves me with 3 kids on my own.
  • We changed churches and then went back to our old church (this was not easy for me)
  • My grandparents now have to be cared for by my mom and aunt pretty much full time
  • My father's health is declining
  • My mother found out she has severe allergies, asthma, and a weird bacteria in her lungs that they thought was TB at first (she was quarantined Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve Day!). We are now going to an infectious disease doctor and the treatment for the bacteria will probably take 3 years. 
  • My sister is going in for major surgery on Tuesday for a colon problem where she will be in ICU and then in the hospital for at least a week. She may have to have another major surgery to finish correcting the problem in a few months as well.
So I am not writing all this for you to feel sorry for me...I am writing this to say in spite of all these problems here are all the good things in my life.
  • I lost 40 pounds and gained some back but I did not gain all of it back or did I gain more than I lost like I usually do.
  • Even though Seth's job is stressful he has GREAT work hours and is home by 4:00 most days.
  • I am involved in 2 local organizations that serve this community. Its very hard work and frustrating at times but I really enjoy the work we do.
  • My boys have been home with me full time for the last 5 months. This is very challenging but I am enjoying my last year with them before they both go to school and I try to find a job in August.
  • Seth and I celebrated 13 years together in December and have been married for 11 1/2 years.
  • Even though my mom, dad, sister, and grandparents are all very sick they are still with us.
  • In spite of 2 miscarriages in the past few years I have grown closer to God than I thought I ever could - I usually push Him away when things don't go my way.
  • Seth and I have found great friends who help us with our crazy children when our families can't.
  • Isabella is growing smarter and more mature every day and is excelling both at school and in dance.
Truthfully the list could go on and on. Sure I get overwhelmed by the first 2 lists A LOT of the time....but when I look at my children I realize its all worth it. They don't care that I'm sick - they love me just the same, they don't care that I can't exercise - they are happy if I can sit outside with them or read them a book, they don't care if I'm not happy with myself - they love me because I am their MOMMY.

I am going to try and be better about updating this blog. I will do little updates about my crazy life and I will also let you know about some great opportunities I have been given to help out our local community. Lastly, I have suddenly been chosen to try out a lot of different products here lately. I get these for free if I promise to let people know about them and this blog will be a good way to start doing that. 

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