Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pin-tastic Saturday

We had a lazy Saturday today so I decided to try some Pinterest ideas. First up was an experiment!

I recently saw an experiment involving pennies and since all three of my children are obsessed with money I thought it might interest them. Here is where you can find the original idea :

I had Isabella find all the pennies in our piggy bank and then pick out 40 of the dirtiest pennies. I then asked them how they thought we should clean them. 

Jax said water. (We used 10 pennies)

Sawyer and Isabella both said water and soap (we used 10 pennies)

I also had Isabella put in some pennies in a mixture of 1/2 cup vinegar and 2 tsp of salt that the experiment suggested. We put 20 pennies in this cup.

We waited 5 minutes and took out 10 of the pennies from the vinegar and salt solution and put them on a paper towel without drying them. Then after another 5 minutes we took all the pennies out and rinsed them. Honestly they did not look much different. The kids all thought that the soap and water solution cleaned some and that the vinegar solution cleaned best. In the original experiment I found the first 10 pennies that were not rinsed from the vinegar solution oxidized but ours did not. One cool thing we did though was stick a penny half way into the vinegar solution and this is what happened. The kids thought that part was neat!
The experiment was a little bit of a bust but they all enjoyed it and I was able to sneak some counting in there too!

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